March 13, 2014

The practice of walking,

Virgo: tends owners Virgo to follow a routine, so is the Hall of exercise and an ideal way to lose weight in spite of their aversion to the sport, and must avoid eating ice cream and chocolate because they only ones in front of the ownertruth about six packs abs CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE...s of Virgo for weight loss.

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Libra: Loves owners Libra follow diets balanced and drink plenty of water so as to give their bodies agility in addition to rid them of toxins, also tend to eat foods containing fiber and foods that get rid their bodies of toxins such as garlic and artichokes, and is a follow dance lessons and an ideal way to lose weight for them.

Scorpio: adores the owners of the tower sport hiking, especially in places full of greenery, as they like to exercise Swedish and school halls sports, but the appetite excess in foods, especially sugars cause them a major problem when their attempts to lose weight.

Sagittarius: The cycling long distances more than what pulls the owners of the tower, as they love to climb the heights, but remain soft drinks a barrier between them and the weight loss, so they minimize the handling in any way.

Capricorn: Loves owners Capricorn follow the routine, and love to pamper themselves, so longer Eat exercise and saunas of the best means for them in the process of losing weight, and the chores many may contribute significantly to this process as well, but first they limit intake of baked goods and sweets in abundance.

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ius: adores the owners of the tower eating fruits and vegetables, which helps them to lose weight, in addition to the mile to practice dancing and cycling, but they hate the routine to a great extent which makes attendance at exercise in the gym an arduous process for them.

Pisces: adores the owners of the tower water swimming dramatically, as they like to run long distances or the exercise of any sport requiring stamina, and is eating grilled fish and vegetables of the best means of weight loss for them.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Weight loss with the help of the Department of towers

Often we choose on how to lose excess weight, some people love sports and hates dieting, while the other acts on the contrary, you can only use the Department of towers and will tell you the best way to help you lose weight.
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The best means of weight loss for the owners of Aries is a practice run, as they can lose weight exercise and dance training, and they can also use grilled foods fat-free, and reducing the intake of sweets that love it.

usually hates the owners of the Taurus exercise, but they love their home and business repair all home, has been assisted by the movement and activity on the loss of some calories, but must revolutionaries away first from eating cakes, pastries and pancakes until they reach the weight that they wish for.

Gemini: The practice of walking, running, dancing is also one of the best means of weight loss for the owners of Gemini, since they usually become bored severe than following types of a particular sport or a particular diet, it is better for them to practice sports unconventional such as sports water, and stay away from eating fries in abundance.

Cancer: it usually loses the owners of this water tower and weighing under water, they love swimming lessons and water sports, but first they stay away from eating fried foods and starches that love it, and tend to eat vegetables and fruits useful not lifted, which mostly.
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Leo: like the owners of the tower competitive sports due to their passion for the challenge, he played tennis, soccer, basketball and other competitive sports is a successful way to lose weight, but they must also stay away from eating sugars, soft drinks and snacks.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 24, 2014

The new hope for the treatment of obese patients

Often associated with obesity and symptoms of health problems, and action must be taken to ease the weight on the spot, while for obesity excessive gravity more on human health, therefore, must take steps to remedy them under medical supervision, so pointed, Specialist of General Surgery to that stomach or fold, is a new surgical technique for the treatment of obesity.

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The surgery depends to turn the stomach, and converted into a tubular shape, and this is minimized stomach completely, as is done by surgical sutures, and is not the eradication of part of the stomach, or the work of converting the path of food, and therefore do not include this surgery, a change in job tasks of the stomach, when you eat fast happen feeling of fullness, and this feeling lasts for several hours, as well as to reduce

the sense of hunger, and the advantages of this surgery explained that it is done by surgery or endoscope, is this surgery is safer than surgery the other for the treatment of obesity, this is in addition to that cost is the lowest among all surgical procedures, which are for the treatment of obesity, and also require the establishment of less hospitalization and quicker return to life daily.

The global statistics indicate the loss of a patient more than 50% of excess weight during the first year, which is a good result as well as they do not put any foreign objects after the operation, just as in surgery belt stomach or pins, as in surgery stapling and conversion and quantization, of The most important advantages is also that it can be prepared to re-image the first reverse other surgeries.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 12:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 21, 2014

About Nutritional cellulite treatment

Subsequently is acclimated alone at night. In the additional week, two sessions of chiral aqueous arising (MLD), which promotes the abridgement of edema and aqueous assimilation are performed. It started on the fourth day afterwards the affair interlay preppie, and performed alert a week.

Are recommended two to four sessions interlay porkpie every two weeks or. Results are arresting afterwards the additional session.

As for prices, they alter amid 500 (per session) and € 2,260 (includes three session’s Interlay abomination six sessions of chiral aqueous drainage, an antecedent comestible appointment and artificial anaplasty and three aftereffect visits).

This analysis can be done in White Clinic in Lisbon.
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To affectation a toned, have to use a aggregate of treatments including meson therapy, appliance of Macro lane, radio and aqueous drainage.

The present band-aid it involves, afterwards a concern artful counseling to baddest one or added techniques that are ill-fitted to the curve and characteristics of the accommodating and which may be acclimated calm or separately.

Meson analysis consists in injecting substances that abate blubber and localized adiposity, advance its aftereffect through a biolytic activity (breakdown of fat), circulatory (stimulates microcirculation) and arising (removal of fat).

Macro lane is a biodegradable gel, counterbalanced harmonic acerbic of the base, acclimated for buttock accession and adjustment of physique contour.
It is injected and requires touchups every 2 years due to accelerating desorption of the product.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 10:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Info about Stretch marks and cellulite

Stretch marks are scars that appear when there are disruptions in the collagen in the dermis, and arise due to various causes.
The grooves of distention are the most common among women and are caused by sudden changes in volume, particularly in pregnancy.

Are very difficult to clear but the latest are (you can recognize them by reddish, distinct from the whitish tone of the oldest) are the most effective treatments.

Still, concern about stretch marks must start on prevention and moisturizing skin daily with suitable cosmetics, avoiding at all cost the constant changes of weight and volume and the diet yo-yo effect.
Many women neglect these factors, which tends to exacerbate the problem and hinder later its recovery.

Carboxyl therapy, treatment advised in these cases consists of the injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) purified in the dermis to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen and elastic) emissions.
Improving the appearance of stretch marks resulting from the activation of microcirculation by CO2, whose flow is controlled by specific equipment
It is indicated for the treatment including stabilized grooves (whitish).

The treatment may however be somewhat painful as it involves pricking the skin.

Is contraindicated in the case of some chronic diseases and that their application should always be done under medical supervision. Sessions last an average of about 30 minutes. They must be done 4 to 6 sessions to achieve good results. The price of this treatment is around 75 € per session.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 10:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 18, 2014

Mindfulness eat in emotion

Mindfulness eat in emotion
According to Greta Noreen boss and Joanna Kortrijk is the background of the development of overweight and obesity is not the same for everyone and the same goes for treatment.
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The backgrounds of obesity can be very diverse, ranging from a metabolic disorder or a side effect of certain medications, an imbalance in nutrition and exercise and overeating learned strategies to avoid negative emotions eat away.

One becomes numb cooked by the large amount of information about healthy nutrition and health that is presented daily. What today as 'healthy' is labeled, tomorrow may be different.
Are often at odds nutritional statements opposing what causes a lot of confusion surrounding the concept of health. Frequently found in practice that what one labeled as healthy is, unpack very different for the other.

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Some TV programs make sure that there is a first step to raising awareness about proper nutrition. The programs help our child is too fat! " Parents are made aware of their responsibilities as educators. Often the problem of the child to the dining and living patterns of the parents

Lies Parents also play another role in their children's weight. Hereditary factors may explain the difference in weight from 7 to 9 pounds. Also, apple or pear shape appears hereditary. International researchers published in the international journal Nature Genetics.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 17, 2014

Margarine works adversely-grow taller formula

There are 12 food categories were distinguished by the researchers in the study, such as eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil, nuts and seeds. For example, if the children also scored a so-called Mediterranean diet stopped after. The relationship between this diet and allergic rhinitis was strongest.
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Margarine works adversely
Children at least three times a week, ate nuts also proved a significantly lower risk of allergic rhinitis, have.

Asthma symptoms and rashes Also the daily eating apples, oranges and tomatoes found to protect against allergic rhinitis.

For grapes as single fruit this effect was quite strong. The researchers suspect that this is due to the strongly anti-oxidative effect of revere. This is described that this polyphone has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Regularly eating margarine showed in this study have an adverse:

it doubled the risk of allergic rhinitis in children in Crete. That seems pretty simple to solve, with a good olive oil one needs.

Proper fatty acids that a modified fatty acid intake in the diet can affect the immune system have been shown in several studies. Anthropological research showed that the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors for thousands of years had a ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids were approximately two to one.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Supplements are currently little or no evidence of efficacy

Well-known examples include l, butterbur (in English Butterbur, in Latin Parasites hybrid us), MSM (methane) and quoting. Only a standardized preparation containing butterbur (most commonly used in research is Petiole) has been shown in several studies that compare the effectiveness in hay fever with that of commonly used pharmaceutical
Other supplements are currently little or no evidence of efficacy. Butterbur has one major disadvantage:
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long-term studies on safety of the product are not available. The above-ground parts of the plant are poisonous, so even eating or drinking "tea" of the plant can be dangerous. Simply The plant contains alkaloids (UPAS) that were toxic to the liver and kidneys and can cause cell mutations.

The products that were used in clinical studies are, of course UPA-free. This does not mean that all herbal preparations in the Netherlands in the market are all here to be adequately controlled. As long as a product is not clear guarantees that the UPA is free, it is obviously wise to pass up’s Left

The study of natural substances in the treatment does not stand still. Plant and Food Research, a state-owned company from New Zealand, recently published an in vitro study (Hurst, 2010) to the use of black currant (Ribs unigram) in allergy-induced asthma symptoms.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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If one parent is allergic, the chance that the child is allergic to 30 percent

If one parent is allergic, the chance that the child is allergic to 30 percent
However, if both parents have allergies, the chance that their child is also allergic risen to 70 percent
In addition to risk factors, there are also factors that are protective.
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It appears growing up in a large family favorable, as well as visiting the child. Come here children in contact with all kinds of pathogens, so their immune systems can practice in defending the body.

Both of these increase the chance of the making of innocent by infections, good workout for the immune system is reduced and the risk of allergic rhinitis. There is however a glitch here: when a child gets antibiotics for such infections shows the risk of allergic rhinitis is not reduced (Coupons, 2000).

Treatment of allergic rhinitis, the standard treatment of allergic rhinitis consists mainly of medical intervention with antihistamines. The latest generation of products (such as) causes virtually no more drowsiness. Nasal sprays are also widely used corticosteroids.

Despite these treatment options, according to research in the United States (Zuckerman, 2002) found that nearly half of the patients a complementary or alternative treatment seeking for their nasal symptoms
Not all the medication is suitable for long-term use, while the symptoms be able to persist for years. Particular herbs and dietary supplements are widely used in the complementary approach.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Nutrition in inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes

Nutrition in inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes
There are new developments and complementary uses in people who suffer from inflammation of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis). Nutrition appears to play a major role.
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Many people suffer from allergic rhinitis. Some have throughout the year, for example due to a dust mite allergy, in others the condition is seasonal, such as or hay fever

According to figures from the RIVM in 1996, nearly 30% of the Dutch population of chronic nasal symptoms
In 2008, the RIVM estimated based on the number of users of antihistamines that at least 1.2 million Dutch experiencing allergic symptoms. Reason enough to discuss. New scientific developments around Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis
For allergic rhinitis, there is a (chronic) inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes due to excessive production of immunoglobulin E. This antibody is produced in response to contact with allergens (Greiner, 2006), and attach to mast cells which then release histamine.

The most common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itching of the nose, throat and ears. Epidemiological research has identified several risk factors for developing allergic rhinitis brought to light. A higher risk of people being fed as a baby with bottle feeding, who were born during the peak of the hay fever season or a family history of allergies know.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 15, 2014

targets the muscles

This exercise aims to activate the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall as it does the upper stomach muscles than any other exercise.

Lie on your back and relieving the head on the hands and then lift the upper part of the body from the ground, taking into account not drag so that the neck injury. After that nationalist bend the right knee angle (45) degrees with the left leg lifted a foot or two feet above the ground and then move the left elbow toward the right knee and vice versa in a manner that simulates driving the bike.

This exercise targets the muscles of the thigh and works to activate all the muscles of the lower end of the core, there is no need to repeat it frequently to get the results as it activates the abdominal and back muscles.
Way of doing the exercise: Stand with open little feet until parallel with the hip, then put your hands on the hip or on the chest and progress step forward left foot and lower right knee toward the ground and the preservation of the left knee parallel to the foot, while maintaining the tension of the abdominal wall and chest. Then return to the starting position and repeat it on the other side.

Way Exercise: The exercise stress of exercise the most effective and influential in the body, during exercises pressure must raise the entire body to the top is parallel to the floor and then lower it slowly toward the ground, you should do this exercise when the legs in an upright position or be knee ground-based.
Should not be bound to the bottom of the chin front is the first part touching the ground, and because of this situation may affect the muscles of the neck because of the intense pressure.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 09:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Drinking coffee in moderation is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the elderly

Revealed a recent scientific study conducted by a team of British researchers that coffee containing caffeine and eating moderately is not excessive in it and is not more than 3 cups a day, may improve muscle strength for the elderly, and enhances the performance, and give it the strength needed to help in the movement and walking and reduce chances of falls and injuries, which often occur at this age.

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The study pointed out that the muscles weaken when challenged man's life as a result of changes in physiological many that occur it occurs deterioration in their performance, and therefore recommends that the study everyone, especially the elderly eating foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, chocolate and soda drinks, especially colas to ensure the enjoyment of the best power and performance muscles.

The broadcast of these results in scientific meeting held by the American Society for Experimental Biology in the thirtieth of last month, and recently published a patrol in the World, after a series of experiments and research conducted on mice laboratories.

The researchers said that although the mechanism which works out caffeine is not known, but it remains clear that it helps to stabilize the kinetics of muscle and flexibility and give strength to the movement of walking and practicing various business including working on improving the performance of individuals motor and reinforcement of their forces.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 09:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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What troubles and problems of the back muscles?

Muscle is an integral part of the back, they are an integral part of him, proving bones of the spine and control their movement in, but what are the problems that can affect them?
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 A professor of sports medicine, that the injury to the back muscles occur in various ways and different, if what slipped detailed sheet bony transverse passages out of line or if slipped a cartilage back the surrounding muscles will make an effort blistering then, where will strive to install the components surrounding and trying to that you repair the damage the incident, but that will not last long and will develop muscle fatigue, diligence, tensile strength and muscle contraction. The muscles may feel weakness and fatigue and tensile strength, as a result of pressure textures or as a result of any act of repeating over time, the damage occurs also for the muscles when you perform its work without any processing or warm-up and heating, as is the case with athletes, also play a stress- a major role in the occurrence of such injuries.

The role played by the muscle is to move the bones hand joints, in order to verify that the fiber bundles of muscle, consisting of the muscles must be able to contract and relax, and if there are any injury to any good super one passage, the muscles will immediately give support necessary to do the work necessary to strengthen the joint and install the movement in the case to prevent and avoid any other movement, this in the event of damage to the largest, and to achieve that muscles contract and install the injured part a substitute such as fist occurs muscle
 contraction and during the installation of muscle contraction for the infection, which inflames the region or circle surrounding the injury the pain felt by the harsh, and while shrinking muscles strongly the amount of oxygen and energy to the hyphen, of course, at least as a result of this contraction.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 09:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 14, 2014

How does it work for the flu vaccine?

Have you started sneezing and coughing? Do you feel pain in the muscles of your body and your temperature rise? May be infected with the flu, but do not worry, although the whole world is talking about the dangers of influenza and the death of many people hardiness, but you can get a vaccine against the disease, and are advised to take it for people at risk of the impact of the disease on their lives when the infection, since this category includes children under two years, and the elderly aged over 64 years.
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But it must be stressed that the vaccine will not work on protection from infection influenza, but can alleviate the symptoms, which can be infected by the person, and reduce complications associated with infections caused by the disease, and doctors confirmed that he cannot be that a person has the disease from behind the injected vaccine.

He also noted, "Center for Disease Control," that the age of the person receiving the vaccine affects the effectiveness, as the older people will not be able to get the degrees of protection is high, as is the case with the younger of them are not, and applies the same situation on people living with chronic diseases.

Doctors recommend flu patients to stay in their homes, and not to go to the hospital, because you can stay at home and take a rest, eat pain relievers, which can smooth out the muscle pain associated with this disease.

But if the worsened condition of the patient he must go to the hospital, especially when heavy disease to the extent that can not the patient from breathing normally, or fluid retention in the body because of nausea, which can lead to vomiting or sweating, and thus can lead to dehydration.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Importance of calcium for your child

The dairy diversified its products from the most important sources of calcium for the child, taking into account that the adoption of the child on the milk varies according to some metrics:
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Children less than a year do not have to drink to us full-fat or eat any of the dairy products because they may suffer from an allergy to milk. For the mother to settle for the first year of breastfeeding or meals for children at this age
The children of a year and even two years, they can rely on milk to get the necessary elements for growth and brain development.

After two years, the child can drink for us little or skim with importance of this matter with the child's doctor first with the situation in mind that the milk was either empty or full fat little whole, it contains the same amount of calcium.

If the child is a vegetarian, he can get calcium from some vegetables such as green land and kidneys, orange juice and breakfast cereals.

But if you think that the teenage daughter of dairy in their products will make it more weight, you have to explain to her that bottle of skim milk 240 contains only 80 calories and do not contain any fat as it a quarter of its calcium. In fact, the people who filled their diet with calcium may be less weight on their body may contain less fat ratio.

Instead of soft drinks and juices full of sugars that do not provide a child any nutritional value, it can be a mother to give him a few dairy products or fat-free
But if your child does not like dairy products, you can calcium by adding cheese to various meals. You can, for example, that the salt added to cheese or eggs Valuation added to sandwiches.

You can also small pizza from candy or bake evaluating the addition of mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes and grilled chicken strips.
Encourage your child to drink milk powder by adding strawberry or chocolate. You can also progressive for your child frozen yogurt or skim a little with the addition of some fruit to it, or you can your child a mixture of yogurt and frozen fruit and breakfast cereals.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 13, 2014

A second group of subjects participated in the same diet program

A second group of subjects participated in the same diet program, but now got half a diary with a picture of the thin model and the other half a diary with the same model, but then so photo shopped that it was a typical, average weight.
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Expectations and Results
In both experiments proved subjects who were regularly confronted with the thin model reduces to trust that they were going to get their goal. And they also booked actually deducted outcome than subjects who did not receive regular thin model face. The subjects who had a booklet containing a thin model fell less rapidly and sometimes even came to.

Kelsey thinks he could explain the results. "People who are de motivated lines to further effort and energy to the stabbing, yet unattainable goal for their feeling, so they look as

An extremely thin model shows a goal that is very far away from your "current self. The large discrepancy between these lures inconsistent behavior (e.g., eating unhealthy snacks). "Your pain threshold is determined by your environment and lifestyle

New research suggests that your pain level will depend on your environment and lifestyle. It points out carefully that our pain threshold may also be more flexible and easier to adapt to, then thought.

Researchers from King's College London studied 25 monozygotic twins. Identical twins share all their genes. Differences between the one and the other half of the twins are therefore only be explained by example environment and epigenetic changes.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Model makes weight loss more difficult

Incidentally, it seems that not only mosquitoes smell receptors are. Their sperm Research among fruit flies (Drosophila meal no aster) and source wasps (Ansonia vilipends) suggests that their sperm smell receptors available.

It suggests that these receptors play an important role in the propagation of many - if not all - of insects. And not only insects would benefit from the smell receptors. Previously, researchers all that human sperm contains odor receptorsinformative article

"The controversial question is whether these play a role in human reproduction."
Photo thin model makes weight loss more difficult

Who wants to fall off, it is wise to avoid. Images of very thin models as Research shows that because these images make sure that people have more difficulty to lose weight and become even heavier correctly in some cases

According to research by Anne-Kathrin Kelsey, at the University of Maastricht She bases her conclusions on experiments.

Experiment Kelsey collected freshman students who wanted to drop off and let them participate in a diet program that lasted a week. The subjects were given a diary in which she wrote down. Their eating habits Half received a diary on the cover with a picture of a very thin model.

The other half was given a booklet containing a neutral picture (a tape).

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Blood mosquitoes can 'smell'

Blood mosquitoes can 'smell'
Scientists have discovered that sperm from a mosquito smell and that some substances that adult mosquitoes can smell can ensure that the sperm of the mosquitoes will swim faster. It suggests that the sense of smell of the sperm play an important role in the propagation of the mosquito.

Researchers at Vanderbilt University found that in the sperm of mosquitoes very specialized chemical sensors. They are odor receptors that are comparable with the sensors, which play an important role in the olfactory system of an adult mosquito. The olfactory system is located in the antennae (feelers) of the mosquito. The receptors where sperm disposal, are located in the tail of the sperm.
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Work and the receptors work, the researchers show. They asked the receptors include exposure to substances that smell receptors can activate. Then the tails of the sperm were moving frequently.

The sperm did not respond to the dust when administered by substances that smell receptors deactivated with simultaneously.

In addition, the researchers showed that it was impossible to activate the sperm. Mosquitoes that were adjusted so that they had no functional odor receptors, "This provides us with compelling evidence that the smell receptors play a role in the reproductive process," says researcher LJ Siebel.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 07:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 12, 2014

Use a "lavender oil" to prevent hair loss!

Lavender oil is one of the most popular and widespread oils in aromatherapy uses, and is characterized by its benefits numerous therapeutic and aesthetic skin hair. Offer you in this report are the most important benefits:

Contributes to moisten and soothe skin irritation, also works to calm the body and the brain as it helps to enter into a deep sleep and quiet what is another way to combat hair loss, and that cross-resistance to psychological distress.
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Resists lavender oil alopecia, a skin disease that causes loss of entire areas of the scalp hair that covered
Lavender oil is a powerful disinfectant works to fight bacteria and fungi that may affect the scalp and cause many problems such as dandruff.

Lavender oil from oil more effective in preventing hair loss and stimulate new hair germination in addition to improving his condition in general, through massage hair and leave it for about half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

Posted by: lovelyflavia at 11:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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